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Fansite Picks | Winter Wonderland Week
Saturday, December 10, 2011 / 2:29 AM 0 comments

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Ice has covered Littehaven and The Simch has made it so that all of this weeks items are of the frozen variety. With 52 frozen items added to The Sims Social store, what should be a sure fire buy and what should be set aside?

There really isn't a lot of new items that will add benefit to your The Sims Social gameplay this week and we feel although the theme is a strong one, unfortunately the items provided are not as strong as they could have been. The best of this weeks icy furnishings can be found in the Bathroom and Garden as unfortunately the Kitchen and Bedroom items seem a little too similar. Here is a run down of the 52 new ice themed items this week:

The ice themed items we have chosen to be the best this week are the Pola-Ice Igloo which will not tickle everyone's fancy due to its rather high SimCash price tag but it looks brilliant and aside from raising your House Value by a staggering +16,100 it will also raise three needs including 'Fun', 'Toilet' and 'Sleep' it however lacks in the animations and sound department. The Pola-Ice Dbl Beds comes in either blue or pink and for a very reasonable 2400 Social Points they will make it so your Sim will never get too warm in bed or have to turn your pillow over to the cool side.

Our final two Fansite Picks this week were given to low cost Garden decorations that add no benefits but will help to make your festive The Sims Social house a little more festive. The ColleXion Pile-o-Snow will top your icy floor with beautiful bubbly snow for only 100 Social Points and the Black Thorn Bush is one of only a few plants or trees that is topped with the fun glistening white stuff we all love at Christmas.

What do you think about this weeks bunch of ice themed items? Do you think the Christmas items released so far have lived up to expectations? Do you think we have chosen the best items from the selection for our Fansite Picks? Leave us a message in the Comments section on top.

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